The first documented computer virus was Creeper, developed in 1971. Created in an academic setting, the virus was built to demonstrate a file's ability to transfer across a network. It took six months before computers programmers wrote a successful antivirus program called Reaper. This was the firts documented lag between threat and defense.

Ever since, security professionals have been playing catch up. As an industry, we detect threats, update our defense, then repeat as necessary.

Many traditional antivirus systems operate on signatures. as malicious code is discovered, a signature describing the file is generated, added to a database and then pushed out to the customer base. If the antivirus discovers a file that matches a signature it is quarantined and/or removed.

By December 2018, malware was being discoveredat a rate of 350,00 new threats a day and subsequently AV solutions cannot keep up.

Download our eBook about Five cyberthreats that slip past traditional AntiVirus

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